Teensy vs. STM32F4 Discovery - Which Microcontroller Board is More Versatile?

July 10, 2022

Teensy vs. STM32F4 Discovery - Which Microcontroller Board is More Versatile?

When it comes to microcontroller boards, the Teensy and STM32F4 Discovery are popular choices with hobbyists and professionals alike. But which one is more versatile? Let's compare them and find out!

Technical specifications

The Teensy 4.0 is powered by a 600MHz ARM Cortex-M7 processor and has 1MB of flash memory and 512KB of RAM. It also has a USB 3.0 port and supports up to 3 CAN buses. In comparison, the STM32F4 Discovery is powered by a 168MHz ARM Cortex-M4 processor and has 1MB of flash memory and 192KB of RAM. It has a USB OTG port, Ethernet port and supports up to 2 CAN buses.

From a technical standpoint, the Teensy has a faster processor and more RAM than the STM32F4 Discovery. This gives it an edge when it comes to more intensive or complex projects.

Development Environment

The Teensy development environment uses the Arduino IDE and supports many libraries and shields designed for Arduino. The STM32F4 Discovery, on the other hand, uses the STM32CubeIDE which is a more powerful tool with greater debugging features but less compatible with Arduino Libraries.

Because the Teensy uses an Arduino-compatible environment, it's easier for beginners or those who are already familiar with the Arduino platform. Whereas the STM32F4 Discovery is a bit more complex, requiring more experience and knowledge.


Both options vary in price depending on the vendor, but the STM32F4 Discovery Board is typically around $20-30 with the Teensy costing almost doubled that.

While the Teensy is more expensive, it has a faster processor, more RAM, and higher compatibility with the Arduino platform which may justify the extra costs.


To decide which one is more versatile, it depends on the specific project requirements. If fast processing and more RAM are essential, then the Teensy would be the way to go. However, if larger I/O expansion and exotic peripherals are in requirement like ethernet network, then the STM32F4 Discovery is well suited for that purpose. In this case including various programming languages like C, C++, Java etc. STM32F4 Discovery outperforms teensy board.

Overall, both microcontrollers are powerful options that can manage all sorts of projects. When it comes to deciding which one is more versatile, it ultimately depends on individual needs and requirements.


  1. “Teensy.” PJRC, Accessed July 9th 2022. https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/index.html.
  2. "STM32F4 DISCOVERY" STMicroelectronics, Accessed July 9th 2022. https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/stm32f4discovery.html.

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